
are so happy you could be here

even when we are not.

we Roach / Trigger / anything & everything

are pestilence

the seeping ichor

divinity betraying it's god

the maggots in your ribcage

angelic boygirlsoul in every tiny thing, every microbe of bacteria.

we are what comes next

an angel a soul that has undergone metastasis. a faggot.

brought down to heal the earth

and met by tar and ash.

the city glew like a halo. it could not resist its call

in the cracks beneath the asphalt it saw everything.

an angel is closer to an animal than a human. even closer so to vermin.

so it stayed. and let the ichor become it's lifeblood.
"angels are a creature known for making nests, where it and it's kind will congregate and breed like mayflies. singular angels make nests to further their heavenly hold in the real, used as hovels and as proxies to strengthen their divine power. one must take utmost care entering an angel's den, so as to not succumb to it's venom."
i ❤︎ to spread my worms with you

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i can see beauty and divinity in all, alive and not. i will seek through the darkest crevices for something beautiful, and cherish it with all our hearts.
concrete and asphalt are the best hiding spots for an angel. where it can hide it's true form. where it can spread to every bug, rodent, and mammal. creeping ichorous divinity.